Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Today is Day 30 of my fitness experience.
Total Calorie Deficit: -1030
Weight: 296.5 lbs
Total weight loss: 12.5 lbs

It is all consuming. Its taking over my head space! Where there used to be thoughts of music and business and abstract thinking, there is an overwhelming need to get moving and out to the gym. Like today, for example, it was supposed to be a rest day and I did not fill my gym bag. I drove back to work after dinner and instead of going straight to work I drove up to the gym... This sounds like me now. Gym obsessed. Don't tell the wife though! She'll think I weird. I ended up leaving there with no shirt on under my jacket. In fact, I'm writing this blog post with no shirt and just a jacket... Shirt is drying on the INSIGNO heater.

Todays impromptu workout was a doosie! I did Intervals on the elptical machine. People definitely look at my funny because I shake the whole machine when going at 230 RPM for 35 seconds every 25 seconds. the sweat is pouring off me like a waterfall, I'm pouring water on me to cool off and huffing like a steam train. Then the little girl beside me is walking and trying to read a magazine.

On the TV in front of us is a OLN show about places to get the biggest burger ever! Yuk! I couldn't eat that. These things are the size of a small roast turkey and filled with heart clogging hamburger, ham, bacon, cheese, cheese, cheese, and hot sauce galore! So it made me kind of work a little harder today.

Making great meal choices is easy now. I have decided that making a giant salad and adding boiled egg was a great lunch. I also cut up a ton of veggies for snacking all day. I eat very little bread now! I would really like to cut it out completely but I am still fighting with how to eat peanut butter without bread. Crackers?

I continue to eat oatmeal every morning. It is supposed to be really good for a lot of stuff, bu I cant seem to ever remember what! Something about soluble fiber... anyway, Its great to eat in the morning because my brain starts right out of the gate. Just slamming for the rest of the morning. I make sure I eat things like apples and veggies for the rest of the day to keep from spiking my blood sugar. This helps avoid the 3:00 nappy-naps. I haven't seen them in a while...

The 8-hour-day-challenge is working out great. No matter what time I go to bed, I wake up 8 hours later. This works too good. After being up late (12:15) I woke up at 7:00 and said, "nope! I'm sleeping till 8:15." So I lay there dozing for another hour or so. I could have got up, but I am keeping to my word these days. My alertness level is right now. I see how successful people do it. Healthy eating, Healthy exercise, Healthy sleeping...

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